Bingo Boy’s Travelin’ Bingo Show!

Yeah- we were all over the place this week... Wednesday night at Hamburger Mary's was loads of fun but the only thing that really stuck out was an amazing birthday cake... Right? It was done by Cake And Art...

The Week In Review…

Let's start with Sunday night. The prize packages for the 6 pm show. Without hesitation I will say that the prize packages were the best that I have ever seen in over 18 years. Why? Well, take a look- What? ...

How About If….

...I make things easier for you this week. Let's start with the reservation links to places we will be hosting/yelling bingo in the near future. 1. CLICK HERE FOR A RESERVATION TO OUR PASADENA BINGO THIS TUES...

And Then What Happened?

So many things this week! Let's take a little journey to the past (just this last week) and see what happened at Legendary Bingo! First of all, Laura San Giacomo from "Pretty Woman" and "Just Shoot Me" stopp...

Pretty Woman!

One of my favorite films. And this week, we will receive a visit from one of the stars of that landmark film! No, Julia Roberts is not coming to Drag Queen Bingo (although it is not out of the question, um...ju...

I Love Animal Memes

  ...meaning I like to take photos of animals and then attribute ridiculous dialogue to them. According to Facebook and generally the entire internet, so do many other people. Mine are usually about bingo and ...

I Don’t Know Why Everyone Thinks This is So Hard

We Launched! Like a freakin' rocket! The "Drag Queen Bingo: The Home Game" Launch Party last Thursday night at Hustler on Sunset was a big success and (I hope) fun for all who attended. If you were there, tha...

All the Way Down & All the Way Back

In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando Florida I am finding it difficult to write my usual upbeat "look what happened this week" email. I apologize but think it's important to pay attention to everything that go...

Sometimes I Yell Bingo

We're Having A Party! ...and you are the first to know about it. It is very exclusive, with limited admittance. And I am inviting you first. I think you know why (because I love you- that's why). On Thursda...

A Demonstration

How was your week? Ours was fun. As usual. Seriously- we do have a great job. It's exhausting at times but going around and making people laugh while mostly raising money for amazing charities is pretty awesom...