I am going to do my best to do a “Best Of” email next week but for this week, I am going to stretch the one event that we have done since I wrote you last out to fill an entire Blabber. I may even throw in a couple of personal items which I don’t usually do…!
Our one event last week was our annual “Free Night Of Bingo” and when I say it was packed to the hilt, I do not exaggerate (even though I usually do). Packed! Not a seat in the house left empty! People playing bingo on the roof! (Okay- I went too far- my bad.)
And then came our Christmas miracle!
Jesus came to Legendary Bingo!
If you are a “Walking Dead” fan you will recognize this gentleman as “Jesus” from the show. His real name is Paul Monroe and he definitely has that “Jesus as portrayed by white Christian people” look, yes?
He was celebrating his birthday on the 21st (quite a coincidence since the other Jesus was born on the 25th) and even told me that he got the “Jesus” job when he was 33! Ask a Christian and they can tell you what that means.
Even Jesus is not immune to a good Roxy Wood birthday paddle and therefore, in the spirit of the occasion…
…she beat Jesus’s ass.
And in the spirit of giving…
…I gave Jesus his very own copy of “Drag Queen Bingo: The Home Game.” I understand that he and his disciples will be playing it at The Last Supper between dinner and dessert/ coffee.
I promised Roxy I would dress in some sort of holiday attire and if you know me at all, you know how little I wanted to do that.
My answer was a fake “Ugly Christmas Sweater” t-shirt from the internet. The antlers lasted about five minutes.
Hamburger Mary’s had their holiday party this last week and I got a few photos in between shots (of Jager).
Here are some boobs-
Guess who the one’s on the right belong too? Hint- you see them all the time and she hits Jesus.
I also got some ass-
That behind belongs to one of the servers at Hamburger Mary’s and I will leave it up to you to figure out who it is. Hint- give him one drink and he will take his clothes off for anyone. Anytime.
Side notes:
AHF Pharmacy really knows how to get people to come in for STD testing during the holidays. This was on Santa Monica Blvd. last week.
Gorgeous and generous Bingo freak June made my dog Dawber a new sweater for the holidays. Look how warm he is! Dawber is a great cuddler too.
Speaking of keeping warm…
I bought my horse Buddy-boy a new jacket for Christmas and what do you know! It matches my new car! Both of my rides are blue!
On Christmas Day I blew off my family (saw them the night before) and went to Union Station Homeless Services where I was assigned to bus tables for their annual meal. Of course they made me “lead” bus person when a bunch of Disney “VoluntEars” recognized me as Bingo Boy and told the guy in charge that “he put on events”!
I met a very nice girl named Kara who happens to be a dominatrix.
Take a look at the food- that’s what we served to the guests! No, we did not steal that plate, they let us eat too. Yummy!
At the same event I met a wonderful “Reindog”…
…named “Roxy”! No sh*t! That’s the dog’s name!
And look! They’re wearing the same outfit!
This will be our last Hamburger Mary’s show of 2016! And what better way to kick off the new year than a visit from our “Wandering Bingo Hostess” WILLAM BELLI!
So join us at 7 pm, won’t you?
It’s New Years day and all….
Thank you for helping to make 2016 so great for all of our charities and we look forward to seeing all of you in 2017!
Bingo Boy & The Gang
Don’t forget to print out your DOUBLE GAME COUPON below!
And see you this week at BINGO!
Bingo Boy
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Here’s what’s coming up in WeHo this week!
Wednesday Night- December 28th… Starring Bingo Boy & Willam Belli!
Sunday Night- January 1st…
8288 Santa Monica Blvd- At Sweetzer
reservations for parties of 3 or more- 323-654-3800
Full menu and bar
All ages welcome
Valet and street parking available
![]() PS- coupon only good on Wednesday- obviously…